Ward 14 Canyon Meadows Drive Median Update
From Devin Elkin, on behalf of City Councillor Peter Demong – Ward 14
Happy new year, and all the best in 2024.
There has been some chatter about the status of the median along Canyon Meadows Dr from Lake Fraser to Bow Bottom Trail. As many of you know this has seen a variety of transformations over the past several years. The latest was a three year project to see if we could get some prosperity out of a wild flower seed mixture. Some issues that arose from this was sight line visibility from residents turning onto Canyon Meadows and while there were attempts to cut back the vegetation at these problem locations, we have found that this recent attempt to do something along the median just isn’t working. So what now?
Last fall our office began conversations with admin to come up with a better NO maintenance plan for this area. Our admin team will be preparing a robust engagement plan for this area that we will be bringing before the communities this year.
Canyon Meadows Dr is Ward 14’s Memorial Drive and needs to have the attention that reflects the beauty of the location and the amount of traffic that it sees. We will be meeting with admin early in Q1 and will be providing updates to the community associations monthly. Once this engagement plan is prepared to be implemented there will be lots of public information. www.engage.calgary.ca is a good example of current engagement projects that this will mirror.
More to follow but any questions please let me know at caward14@calgary.ca