Traffic Concerns

Do you have a traffic concern related to…

  • Speeding issues
  • School or playground zones
  • Trucks / commercial vehicles
  • Pedestrian safety issues
  • Intersection safety issues
  • Motorcycle issues
  • Illegal turns

Submit a Traffic Service Request to CPS HERE. A Traffic Service Request(TSR) deals with persistent traffic violation(s) that are noted by the public in a specific area and that can be expected to re-occur when a responding Officer attends to the complaint. “One Off” complaints where a specific violator or license number can be identified may be referred to 403-266-1234 for appropriate dispatched response


What if people are constantly speeding in our community?
You can complete a TSR online. A member of the Photo Radar Unit will return your call to discuss your concerns and determine if photo radar equipment will be deployed in your area. 

How do I report illegally parked vehicles or vehicles that have been abandoned on or near my property?
This is a bylaw infraction. Contact Calgary Parking at 403-537-7000, extension three to report the offending vehicles. 

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